Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 191)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 191)
cities of Haifa and Acre (Himadeh, 1937: 236).
Soap was largely manufactured at home. In addition, soap was also
manufactured on a larger scale by the small soap workshops, estimated
at 42 and located mainly in the Nablus area (Ameri,1974:102;
Himadeh,1937:236). Not all that was produced was locally consumed. The
surplus produce from both olive o11 and soap was sold in the markets.
The exchange value obtained was usually used to supplement’ the
fallah's income. Exchange in the market, in the case of home
produced soap was either directly made by the fallah himself, or
indirectly, through the Head of the hamula or the merchant.(15)
Until 1914, the annual production of olive oil was estimated at
7,000 tons. Over 50 per cent of this produce was sold to local and
neighbouring markets (Himadeh,1937:266). In 1913, the annual
production of Nabiusi soap was estimated at 500-1000 tons, that from
Haifa at 300 tons and the annual soap production from Jaffa was put at
200-300 tons (Ameri,1974: 103). The annual value of exported olive oil
soap until 1913 was, on the other hand, estimated at P.L. 200,000
.Himadeh,1937: 216, 266).
By the turn of the century, the agricultural o11 industry had begun
to undergo fundamental changes. During the first world war, Eastern
Cil Industries, Ltd., a company registered in London, established a
branch in Palestine. In the second half of the 1920s, Palestine Oil
Industry, “Shemen Works", Ltd. (Shemen is the Hebrew word for oil) was
founded in Haifa by two European (Jewish) capitalists. It bought
Eastern O11 Industries’ branch and combined it with its works. The
founding capital of "Shemen" Company was estimated at P.L.140,000.(16)
"Shemen Works" produced all related o11 products such as, refined
olive oil, oils other than olive, tollet and washing soap, cattie
. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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