Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 193)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 193)
15,783 tons of groundnuts, valued at P.L. 220,382; 9,770 tons of
sunflower seeds, valued at P.L. 78,840 and 2,180 tons of copra worth
P.L. 44,872 were imported by this Company. (19)
In addition to the importation of seeds, “Shemen" imported unedible
or unrefined olive o1i1 from Syria for manufacturing purposes. Trade
between Syria and Palestine was also duty free in accordance with the
"Palestine-Syria Trade Agreement" of 1923, which was amended in 1929
in the "Palestine -Syria Custom Agreement". This agreement stipulated
that "goods which are the produce of Palestine and Syria may enter
into either country, without payment of custom duties." (Brown, 1937:
130) This allowed the company to import thousands of tons of unrefined
Glive oil from Syria. (20)
Non- edible olive oil imported from Syria was refined and re-
exported back to Syria. (21) In 1930, the value of edible olive oil
exported to Syria amounted to P.L.19,394, P.L. 19,639 in 1932,
P.L.20,786 in 1933, P.L. 32,787 in 1935 and P.L. 91,068 in 1937.
(Brown:1937: 259)
Moreover, the legal situation which enabled the oil industry to
import cheap raw material had also contributed to the expansion of
edible oil export. Edible oil other than olive (i.e.,extracted from
sesame seeds, sunflower seeds..etc.,) was also exported in large
amounts by this Company. In 1930, the value of exported oil, other
than olive, amounted to P.L. 4,549. The value cf exportation rose to
P.L. 29,826 in 1932; P.L.35, 978 in 1934; P.L. 51,129 in 1936 and in
1937 the value of exported o11 other than olive amounted to
P.L.112,400. (22) The production and export of various kinds of soap
(toilet and other perfumaries) by the company had also expanded
during the 1930s.
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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