Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 194)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 194)
One consequence of the expansion of the olive oi] industry was the
Gepreciation in the value of locally produced olive oil and soap which
seriously reduced the income of many fallaheen depending on this
branch of agriculture. The fall in prices of both items is
demonstrated in the following table.
Table 5 *
Decline in Prices of Laundry Soap and Olive Oil Between 1920-35
Year Laundry Soap Olive O11
(P.L.per 100 kgs.) (P.L. per 100 kgs.)
1920 12.690 15.800
1925 5.560 6.410
1926 5.510 6.840
1927 5.260 6.910
1928 5.350 8.010
1929 4.910 7.800
1930 3.570 4.080
1921 3.180 3.850
1932 3.240 4.500
1934 3.470 leita
1935 3.410 (2 em
Scurce: Figures for 1920-26 are based on calculations from Statistical
Abstract of Palestine, 1935-7, Table 76, p. 59 : Figures for 1927-35
are based on Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1937-38, Table
(*) Figures presented here do not take into account inflation rates.
Had the latter been included income generated from o1l products would
have sharply been less.
The sharp decline in the prices of both laundry soap and olive oil,
between 1320-30, estimated at about 400 percent (Table five) meant
that the clive cultivator had to accept any price given to him if he
wished to compete and sell his products. The inakility to compete also
caused a portion of the oil and soap producers to oe pushed out of the
market altogether. In 1927, olive oi1 soap exported rom rural
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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