Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 195)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 195)
Palestine was estimated at 4,577 tons, valued at P.L.200,430. In 1937
the amount of soap exported dropped to 792 tons, valued at P.L.34, $83
only (Brown,1937:266). The following table shows the decline in the
value of exported soap between 1929-37.
Table 6
Value in P.L. of Soap Exported Between 1929-37
Year Soap Exported
(in P.L.)
1929 214,135
1930 204,876
1931 117,393
1932 104,830
1933 57,531
1934 69,368
1935 77,897
1936 52,091
1937 74,259
Source: Economic Organization of Palestine, Himadeh (ed.), 1937,Table
XVII p. 267.
It should be noted that not all soap shown in Table 6 is made of
Olive oil. By 1930, laundry soap made of other than olive oil had also
begun to emerge and replace olive oil laundry soap. Olive oil laundry
soap exported in 1937, as mentioned earlier, was estimated at 792
tons, and valued P.L. 34,983 only.
In addition to the sradual, though intensive, effects of the
capitalist oil industry on the rural oil economy, some direct and
immediately destructive results also ensued. These effects were
unevenly distributed among the various classes within the rural areas.
For the rural bourgeoisie, competition meant a drop in profit and
general loss of income. This was evident from tie case of A.
Nabulsi, the major soap manufacturer of Nablus. (23) However, the fact
that the class represented by A.Nabulsi was not by nature antagonistic
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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