Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 204)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 204)
Palestinian merchants. As one Arab citrus grower and merchant put it:
When London markets are open we export
and make profit, when they are closed
we are badly hit.
The "“opening™ and "closing" o£ the London market to Palestinian
citrus exportezs presents a strong indication o£ the dependence of the
Palestinian citrus industry on Britain's market. In another instance
this same grower recollected that in the early 1930s Arab growers had
to hire pickers to pick the oranges and bury them in the soil because
England did not buy their oranges. (32) In one year only, 1929, Jaffa
growers alone lost P.L.300,000 in citrus. (33)
Finally, the indigenous Arab orange economy received a further blow
in 1930 when the government decided to build a new harbour in Haifa,
to replace the age old Jaffa harbour. Whether simply for strategic or
for both strategic and economic reasons, the decision to erect this
new harbour had the same effect. From 1930, Palestine's shipping
activities had to shift from Jaffa to Haifa. As a result, Jewish
growers who were mainly located in the Maritime plain found an easier
and cheaper means of transportation. While Arab growers, particularly
from Jaffa, had to incur more expenses and consequently more losses.
The above discussion of the ways in which capitalist production
penetrates the agrarian economy demonstrates the contradictory nature
of capitalism in agriculture. On the one hand it shows the
expansionist nature of capitalism once it crosses the threshold of the
rural economy, and on the other, evidences the destruction and ruin of
the less advanced rural bourgeois economy.
Zionist Capitalism Boycotts Indigenous Arab Products
There is nothing unique about the cases of the oil and citrus
industries presented above. Both exampies clearly resemble the general
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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