Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 205)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 205)
pattern of competition characteristic of all capitalist developing
economies. What is specific to capitalism mediated by the colonial and
Zionist policies was the phenomenon of boycotting the indigenous
The boycott of indigenous products by colonial settler movements was
not unique to Palestine. This phenomenon has received the attention of
various scholars working within the Rhodesian and South African
context (Arrighi, 1973; Burawoy,1976). What was different, though, in
the case of Palestine was the goals sought by the Zionist colonial
Zionism, as this and the following chapters will prove, was a
nationally exclusivist ideology. The Zionist movement in Palestine
sought to replace the whole of the Palestinian national economy by a
foreign European Jewish economy. The means used in this. process
included the exclusion of the indigenous Palestinian labour power from
the Jewish economy, the boycott of indigenous products, and the denial
to indigenous cultivators of any form of access to, or use of their
expropriated land.
AS pointed out in the first chapter, a proper understanding of the
nature of Zionist colonialism requires the delineation of the
antagonistic relationship between the economic (i.e., capitalist or
profit making) and the political (nation or state building)
orientations of this movement. Boycotting indigenous Palestinian
products as the following discussion shows is a clear example to the
real tension and in fact contradictions embedded in the colonial drive
of the Zionist movement. It demonstrates a visible case whereby short
term economic gains (from buying local products) were forfeited for
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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