Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 206)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 206)
long-term political goals the Zionist movement aimed at accomplishing
in Palestine.
The Zionist policy of boycotting indigenous Palestinian products
has been investigated by various authors (Zureik,1979; Gozansky,
1986; Saed, 1985). However, what this iiterature fails to explain is
the means’ through which this boycott was achieved and the immediate
implications of this policy on the indigenous cultivators involved in
these sectors. The following examples of sesame and wheat production
provide valuable insights to this phenomenon.
Sesame seed was produced as a commercial crop and used in the
manufacturing of vegetable oil. This crop was considered as the prin-
cipal summer crop for the fallaheen and played an important role in
the rotation system. Because of the great deal of careful weeding and
cultivation sesame required, it left the land in very good condition
for the succeeding winter crop of wheat or barley. (34)
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, sesame was almost exclusively
produced by the Arab fallaheen. Because of the extensive labour force
the crop required and the long production time it needed, sesame did
not attract the Jewish capitalist farmers. Moreover, machinery and
capital which were available to the Jewish capitalist class were
incapable of replacing the characteristically agrarian nature ot this
Sesame is a crop that demands much iabour
both for preparation of the soil, and when picked
at harvest. It is not possible to wait until ail
the sesame crop ripens, because, the pods, when
they ripen, split, and the seeds fall out onto the
ground; and as the crop does not riren all at the
same time, the harvester goes inte the field daily
and pulls, by hand, each stalk whose pods are ripe.
It is a crop demanding the labour both of women and
children at harvest time, and is therefcre littie
grown by the Jewish farmers.. (Brown, 1937: 133).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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