Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 207)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 207)
For climatic reasons (dependence on rain fall), sesame was almost
entirely produced inthe northern district of Palestine. Sesame
production, not unlike other commodity production, fluctuated
according to market demands. In1913, for example, when Eastern Oil
Industries, Ltd. needed the seed, sesame cultivation was encouraged.
In that year 142,009 dunams were put under this crop and 5,902 tons of
sesame were produced (Abu-Rjeyli, 1970:72).
During the first World War,sesame production, like other creeps,
underwent a sharp decline, but it went up again during the 1920s. For
a period of ten years, from 1921-31, an annual avezage of 3,000 tons
of sesaine were produced. (35)
However, in the late 1920s conditions were altered for the sesame
producers. Expansion in the Jewish oil industry raised demands for the
use of sesame seeds in the manufacturing of vegetable oils. To avoid
using locally produced sesame, "Shemen Works" began to import sesame
seeds from China. Considerable amounts were imported by this company.
Between 1928-1930 an annual average of 3,200 tons of sesame _ seeds
were imported. (36) In 1935, the net imports of sesame amounted to
P.L. 20,589: P.L.20,715 in 1936 and P.L. 24,407 in 1937.(37)
Of particular significance in these imports is the fact that the
foreign seed was not cheaper than the locally produced one. In spite
of the presence of legal measures which exempted the imported crop
from duties, the locally produced crop was both less expensive and of
better quality than its imported counterpart. Thus, for example, in
1929, the price of cone ton of imported sesame seeds amounted to P.L.
23,278 mils, while the price of local seeds was 20,436 mils. Moreover,
the locally produced crop was said to be of a higher quality than the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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