Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 209)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 209)
The High Commissioner went further to strongly suggest that the
government do something about this problem and recommended that it
re-impose duty on imported seeds. Later in the same letter, howevez,
the High Commissioner admitted that such a measure would not be
sufficient to control the problem. (41)
The immediate consequences of the importation of sesame were felt
at different levels. At the level of production,locally produced crops
declined. From an annual average of 3,200 tons produced between 1928-
30, sesame produce fell to 894 tons in 1932 and to only 292 tons in
1933. At the level of cultivation,the area under this crop also
shrank: From an area of 196,116 d. in 1931;to 108,284d. in 1932;
102,262d. in 1932; 102,262 d. in 1933 and 98,683 d. in 1936
respectively. (42) Finally, although theoretically the fallah who
produced sesame seeds would not have been expected to compete with the
imported commodity since his prices were lower, in reality, he was
forced to dispose of his products and accept any price in return. The
sharp decline in the prices of local sesame are shown in Table 10.
Table 10 *
Decline in Prices of Local Sesame (in P.L. per ton, Between 1920-34)
Year Price per 100 Kgs.
(in P.L.)
19206 5.510
1925 3.160
1926 3.130
1927 2.790
1928 2.550
1929 2.450
1930 1.690
1931 1.620
1932 2.170
1933 1.920
1934 1.580
Source: Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1927-34, Table 76, p. 59;
Statistical Abstract of Palestine,1937-38, Table 108.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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