Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 213)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 213)
produced wheat was available in large amounts was viewed by bot
Jewish capitalists and British officials as a response to the needs of
the European Jewish settlers. European Jewish settlers, it was noted
“prefer White to the native Black wheat". (48) The “native black*
wheat was made of 100 percent wheat, while to produce white wheat, a
mixture of wheat,corn or other cereal was needed. Cereals required for
the production of white wheat were available at quite low prices for
the urban mills. However, it was this very issue which the Jewish
capitalist class tried to avoid.
The boycott of Palestinian indigenous products, although
economically profitable in the case of wheat, was also a political
decision. This decision ‘puzzled' even the High Commissioner as_ he
doubted whether removing protective tariffs would put an end to
importation. (49)
The decision to flood Palestine's markets with foreign wheat and
boycott the indigenous fallaheen,the overwhelming majority of whom
were involved in wheat cultivation, had grave consequences for’ the
rural population. The following description of the conditions of the
fallaheen as a result of capitalist competition and boycott is
particularly relevant to the understanding of the role of capitalist
agriculture in the formation of rural classes.
Competition, to start with, depreciated the prices of locally
produced wheat. The drop in the price of wheat was particularly shazp
during the 1920s. In 1925 the price of one ton of wheat was estimated
at P.L. 18,000. Four years later, in 1929 the price of one ton of
wheat fell by about 22 per cent,to P.L. 16,000 per ton,and in 1930, by
about 300 per cent, down to P.L. 6-7 per ton only. (50) Further
decline in the price of wheat continued throughout the 1930s. in 1932,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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