Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 214)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 214)
the price of one ton of wheat was P.L.11,300; P.L. 10,500 in 1933;
P.L. 9,600 in 1934 3; P.L. 8,900 in 1935 and P.L. 9,440 in 1936
respectively. (51)
For the indigenous wheat producers it was not just a matter
lowering their prices and trying to cempete in the market.
fallaheen were unable to dispose of their wheat for any price.
1930, the problem of wheat "dumping" was the straw which broke
camel's back. Many fallaheen had already mortgaged part or
their wheat produce to money lenders who were also wheat merchants.
Closing the market to locally produced wheat meant’ the
himself could not dispose of the crops. In 1930 it was observed that
wheat crops had been lying on the ground since 1928. Ina communique
issued by the government of Syria it was reported that "..the
of Jaffa alone lost P.L. 100,000 in cereal only". The communique which
was cited earlier in the chapter also made reference
“bankruptcy and ruination " of the wheat merchants. (52)
For the already indebted and bankrupt fallaheen, however,
consequences were more severe. The High Commissioner, Chancellor,
describes their economic plight in 1930:
Although the local prices of wheat have f£falien
continuously from P.L. 16 per ton in 1929 to P.L.
6-7 today, in consequence of the dumping of foreign
wheat and flour at lower prices than are obtainable
for the local crop, a lazxge part of last year's
wheat crop held by grain merchants is unsaleable
and this is preventing agriculturists from
disposing of this year's wheat crop ...The Bulk of
the crop is already mortgaged to money lenders,
most of whom are also grain merchants, for past
loans. Since wheat is the most easily marketable
commodity and the common local medium of exchange
or barter in rural areas, these loans are usually
expressed in terms of kilos of wheat with a proviso
for the proportionate increase in the quantity to
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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