Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 215)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 215)
be repaid by the fallah should prices fall below a
certain figure. (53)
Tne fallaheen who were desperate to dispose of thelr wheat at any
price were ieft with two options both of which amounted to ruination.
Firstly, the fallah could consume more wheat which he and his family
badly needed, but this would be disasterous for him since he would
have less wheat to exchange for money to meet his payments which were
due before next harvest. And secondly,he could retain his wheat’ to
meet such of his payments as were due in wheat,rather than cash , and
would find that, since wheat had no market at all, the creditors
refused to accept payment in this form. (54)
Competition and the exclusion of indigenous Palestinian products
from the developing Jewish market had great effects on the ciass
structure of rural Palestine. The real effect of the development of
citrus and oil industries on capitalist lines was not so much in
widening the contradictions within Palestine's' rural classes.
Although, as pointed out in this chapter, some Palestinian landowners-
merchants have benefited in the process, the majority of the fallaheen
have not. As ae result of this development, the gap between the
different strata within the rural poor, defined as Fallaheen
Muu'dameen, Fallaheen Shibh Muu'dameen and Fallaheen Mullak (middie
peasants) was in fact narrowed. By pushing out of business small rural
industries, competition drove an increasing section of the class of
Shibh Muu'dameen and Fallaheen Mullak down to the ranks of landless
Moreover, with the elimination of the class of big absentee
landlords-mainly after the appropriation of their land by various
Zionist bodies- the indigenous Palestinian class structure became
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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