Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 218)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 218)
Chapter IV
1- Data here were provided by Ya'akov Etinger, the Head of the
Agricultural and Settlement Department of the Zionist Organization in
1919, (i.e., 10 years prior to the first land survey in Palestine).
See hitpathut ha-kapitalism bi-falastina [The development of
capitalism in Palestine], (Gozansky, 1986) p. 27.
2- “The Fallah's Farm" by Dr. Wilkansky, in "Simpson's Report",
1930, p. 61
3- "Simpson's Report", 1930, p. 62
4- "Simpson's Report" . p. 21
5- Ibid.,
6- Ibid.,
7- in CO 733/204/4 , 1931
8- Ibid.,
9- See, despatch by the High Commissioner, Wauchope, to J.H. Thomas,
Principal Secretary of States for Colonial Affairs, in CO 733/290/17,
10- This £igure is arrived at by dividing the total cultivable land
by the total fallah population. The total cultivable land of concern
here is not the grand total of 8,044,000d. which included the
Beersheba area, but rather the 6,544,000d. on the hilly land and the
five plains only. The reason for excluding Beersheba is because of the
low productivity of this semi-desert land which did not attract Jewish
settlers at the time. However, to account for the fact that by 1930,
900,000d.-1,000,000d were already appropriated by the Jewish settlers,
the size of land used as basis was in fact 5,644,000d. rather than
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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