Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 220)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 220)
26- "Simpson's Report", appendix 20, p. 180.
27- The lack of adequate data on the selected years requires the
presentation of the two separate tables.
28- The rapid increase in grapefruit production between 1929-37 was
5A Ba
as follows: P.L. 4,000 in 1929; P.L.10,000 in 1930; P.L.40,000 in
1931; P.L. 80,000 in 1932; P.L. 129,000 in 1933; P.L. 220,000 in 1934;
P.L. 356,000 in 1935 and P.L. 534,000 in 1935. See M.Brown,
res 24h 7 ee ee fl
pe Mtge Sy. alles in weblt .- aoe ec Et PE Te,
"Agriculture", in Himadeh, Economic Organization.. op.cit, p. 236.
29- Simpson's Report appendix 20, p. 180
30- International Labour Review , 1934, No. 6, Vo. XXX, p. 806.
31- Information collected through an interview with a number of elder
peasants who were ex-land owners and citrus merchants, (Ramallah,
August, 1985).
32- Ibid.,
33-"al Yarmouk", 18 /10/1930 in CO 733/192 File No. 72362, p. 36
34- “Simpson's Report", p. 103
35- Calculated from Himadeh (ed), Economic Organization of Palestine,
op.cit Table i111, p. 125
36- in CO 733/189/9, Despatch No. 572, Ref. 6464, File, 81559, p. 16
7 37- Economic Organization of Palestine, in op.cit., Table XLI ,p.200
38- See CO 733/189/9 op.cit.,p.16
39- “Simpson's Report", p. 173.
40- CO 733/189/9 in op. cit.,
41- Ibid.,
42- Calculated from Economic Organization of Palestine, op.cit.,
Table IV, p. 125.
43- For more on the influx of Jewish settlers to the urban centres,
see tatawwor al-zira'a al-ra‘'asmaliyah £1-falastin al-muhtallah
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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