Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 221)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 221)
icapitalist agriculture in occupied Palestine], Abu-Rjeyli, (Palestine
Research Centre; Beirut: 1974).
44- CO 733/189/9 in op. cit.,
45- See a memorandum by the High Commissioner to the Executive Council
of Palestine", dated, 22,5,1930 in CO 733/189/9 (hereafter, a
46- Calculated from Himadeh (ed),Economic Organization of Palestine,
op.cit., Table III, p. 125.
47- A "Memorandum.." op.cit.,
48- CO 733/189/39 in op. cit.,
49- A "Memorandum" in op. cit.,
50- Ibid.,
51- Statistical Abstract of Palestine , 1937-38, Table 108.
In 1930, the government attempted to stabilize the prices of wheat
at P.L.9 per ton by imposing custom duties on a sliding scale and
limiting the imports of wheat and flour to those with licenses only.
But this move was nullified by the earlier "Palestine-Syria Custom
Agreement" which was not affected by the 1930 changes. Flour and
particularly the French kind imported through Syria, duty free
continued to flood the Palestinian market and depreciate further the
prices of locally produced wheat. See Himadeh (ed) The Economic
Organization, in op.cit, p. 129.
52- See an “Official Communique", issued by the Government of Syria,
in CO 733/192, File No. 72362, p. 36.
53- Despatch No. 572, ref. 6464/29, in CO 733/189/9, File No. 81559,
dated 21, June 1930.
54- Ibid.,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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