Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 222)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 222)
Chapter V
Capitalist Agriculture and Zionist Colonization
While Marxists generally agree that in order for capitalism to pre-
dominate agriculture botk. the forces and relations of production must
change and acquire capitalistic features, they differ in terms of the
emphasis they place on the components of the capitalist mode of
production. One approach, found particularly within the discipline of
economics, places a special emphasis or the level of development
attained by the forces of production (Bagchi,1982; Szentes, 1976).
Political economists on the other hand, insist that the capitalist
mode of production is composed of a totality of relations and
forces of production. In this view, attention is drawn to the
importance of production relations in indicating the character of the
mode of production (Lenin, 1960; Murray and Post, 1983;Patnaik, 1983).
Both camps agree that certain changes must occur in order for
capitalism to predominate in agricultural production. These are: i)
Capital investment in agriculture; 2) The mechanization of
agricultural production; 3) The development of intensive agriculture;
4) The production of commercial and tindustrial crops; 5) The
consequent replacement of small-scale agricultural production with
large-scale industrial preduction;And finally,that hired or wage labour
must be the main source of surplus value in capitalist agriculture.
(Lenin,1960; 1979; Kautsky,1976; Patnaik,1983; Saleh,1979)
Changes within Palestine's agriculturai economy strongly suggest
that capitalism was rapidly replacing pre-capitalist forms of
agricultural production. This tendency,it will be shown, was prevalent
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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