Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 223)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 223)
in varying degrees in all forms of agricultural production. Within
the European Jewish economy capitalism was not only characteristic o£
the private settlements but was also a significant force within the
economy of the agricultural co-operatives. In fact, the Kibbutz, as
will be shown in this chapter was itself an integral part of the
capitalist mode of production.
The literature which presents the Kibbutz as a "socialist" or
“communist" form of production, it will be demonstrated, is the result
of an ideological stand on the part of its authors rather than any
objective scientific approach. The Kibbutz, this chapter will show,
waS a much more complex phenomenon. Similar to the Histadrut-to be
discussed in the next chapter- the Kibbutz symbolized the core of
contradictions and antagonisms embedded in the Zionist colonial
movement. The dilemma which will be addressed in this regard concerns
the important political question (why the Kibbutz) and the economic
antithetic of this question, i.e., the economic inefficiency of this
form of labour organization.
Here again, it will be emphasized that the government role in
advancing capitalist production was crucial. This role which took the
form of economic, political and legal assistance to the developing
European Jewish capitalist economy hastened the contradictions between
the indigenous rural economy and the Zionist one. In the process, the
European Jewish economy was developing and expanding while’ the
indigenous Palestinian economy was being destroyed. The social and
economic burden which fell on the indigenous Palestinian producers as
a result of capitalist development of agriculture will alse be
stressed in this chapter.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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