Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 224)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 224)
Capitalist Investment in Agriculture
One of the main characteristics of European Jewish agriculture
during the British period was the investment of capital. The influx of
capital from actual settlers, intended settlers (some of whom never
settled in Palestine) and other sources was tremendous during this
period. Between 1919-1937 about 90-95 million Palestinian Lira (1i.e.,
equivalent to 90-95 million English pounds) generated in Europe were
invested in Palestine's Jewish economy. Of this amount, P.L.10-12
million were used for public purposes by institutions and Individuals
and P.L.80-85 million were invested by private corporations in private
enterprises (Himadeh,1937:228). About half of this capital estimated
at P.L.44 million was brought during 1919-1933, while the other half
was brought in a period of just four years, between 1933-1937
Furthermore, an enquiry by the Jewish Agency revealed that between
1926 and 1932, 553 Jewish families who immigrated to Palestine
brought with them over P.L.2,000,000, an average of P.L. 3,763 per
family. Of these families: 346 had about 841 thousand, an average of
one to seven thousand Liras per family; 130 with a total of 59
thousand, an average of one thousand per family; and 59 families with
a total of P.L. 180,000, or an average of more than seven thousand
Liras per family.
This capital was invested as follows: 42 per cent in citrus
cultivation; 21.1 per cent in citrus and other economic branches;
17.7 per-cent in building and 5.7 per-cent in commerce. (1)
The investment of large sums of capital in agriculture was
particularly evident during the 1930s. For example,between 1932-35,
about twenty nine thousand Liras were spent on agricultural
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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