Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 227)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 227)
The gap between the wealth of the settlers and that of the ordinary
indigenous faliaheen was even greater in the mid 1930s. Village
reports during this period indicate that many villages were almost
totally bankrupt,to cite one example, that of the village of Dhahiria.
In 1934, aS A measSurment to entorce taxes on this village, the
government imposed a collective punishment and ordered the village to
pay an amount of three thousand Liras.
Responding to the government order one villager was quoted saving:
Even if government decides to sell the village
complete with all its 1,000 families it will not be
able to squeeze three thousand Liras from us... (6)
Moreover,in absolute terms these sums of money meant a great deal
for the development of the Jewish economy. Most of the money was
concentrated in developing a relatively small area of land. According
to the 1945-46 Survey of Palestine, out of a total agricultural area
of 1,731,000d. under Jewish ownership in 1944, only 716,750d. or 41
per cent of the land was actually settled. The remaining 1,014,550d.
or 59 per cent was put on reserve for future settlement. (7)
In addition, the purchasing power and the productive manner in
which this capital was used greatly strengthened the development of
Jewish agricultural settlements.
Beside the investment in specific commercial products, such as
citrus, grapes and other vegetables and fruits, large sums of money
were also used in advancing agriculture on scientific and
technological bases.
Science and Technology in Agriculture
Scientific research centres, experimental stations , demonstration
piots and agricultural schools were but one aspect of the capitalist
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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