Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 228)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 228)
investment in agriculture. One major achievement in this respect was
the establishment of a grand experimental station in Tel-Aviv in
1922. Other extension stations were also founded in various
Built with an estimated 85 thousand Palestinian Lira, the Tel-Aviv
station became the centre of agricultural instruction for all Jewish
settlements. In 1930, the station was staffed by 40 scientists, had 3
laboratories, seven field divisions and devised 9 district instructors
to cover all settlements. (8)
Agricultural schools and research centres were also established in
various Jewish settlements. Besides the well known Mikveh-Yisrael (an
agriculture school and research centre) which by 1929 was catering to
over 160 students, the Jewish Agency with the support of the
government established five additional agricultural schools. (39)
In contrast, by the early 1930s,the Palestinian rural population
which formed over 90 per cent of the total had access to only one
agricultural school providing space for less than 40 students per
year. (10)
Research centres and scientific expertise including chemists and
analysts were also provided by the Hebrew University and the Technion,
now Israel's largest technical institute. (11)
The application of technology and science, it must be added, was
not solely the fruit of Jewish capital and human ressurces. A great
deal of assistance was in fact provided by the British colonlal
Government Role in Advancing Agriculture
The role played by government in advancing agriculture was evident
at virtually all levels. At the legal level, with an eye to
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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