Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 229)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 229)
encouraging commercial production, the government advanced laws which
exempted all demonstration plots (whether erected on Jewish land or on
so-called state land) from taxes. (12)
Of particular significance in this context was the role the
Department of Agriculture assumed in promoting capitalist agriculture.
Established in 1929 and directed by a Jewish agricultural expert, the
Department was almost exclusively put under the services of Jewisn
settlements. Government investment in the Department ina two year
period of 1929 and 1930 amounted to P.L. 153,767. (13)
The Department of Agriculture was not an independent body. In fact,
as one British analyst noticed, the Department was a mere extension
of some Jewish scientific centres and mainly the Hebrew
University. (14)
While there is no evidence to show that the Department made any
Significant contribution, financial or otherwise to the indigencus
population, there is ample evidence to demonstrate its contribution to
the Jewish agricultural settlements. Worth noting here is the
assistance provided by the Department to the Tel-Aviv experimental
In a secret dispatch by the British Secretary of State for the
Colonies to the High Commissioner of Palestine in 1933, it was
revealed that the Department planned to spend P.L.3,000 a year fora
period of ~Eive years “to the Jewish Agency's experimental station and
the establishment of a government citrus demonstration grove". The
same dispatch also stated that "the Director of Agriculture
suggested that the Jewish Agency contribute P.L.49,000 and government
spend P.L.70,000 to be completed within 5 years for agricultural
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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