Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 230)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 230)
development.” (15)
It is interesting to note that neither the Government itself,
represented by the High Commissioner, nor Israeli official authcers
Saw government as biased or one sided in its agrarian policy. To the
contrary, Israeli writers widely believed that if government were not
neutral,it was in favour cf indigenous Palestinian agriculturists.(16)
In fact, as the following two examples show high government
officials firmly believed that their position was even handed. and
that what in government view was good for promoting modern
(capitalist) agriculture was also good for all the economy.
In 1928 for example, after an investigation into the economic
conditions of the fallaheen in the Northern District, Harding, the
District Director suggested that government advance a loan of
P.L.50,000 as relief to the fallaheen. However, one year later, in
1929, it was reported that the government agreed to a loan of just
P.L.20,000 and that the loan be divided among both Jewish and
indigenous Palestinian agriculturists.
As a result the loan was divided as follows: P.L.15,000 paid to the
fallaheen in kind -Wheat and barley were bought by government and
distributed to the fallaheen- and P.L.5,000 paid in cash to the
Jewish agriculturists. (17)
In 1930, after the publication of various reports which demanded
that the government do something to help the dispossessed fallaheen,
the High Commissioner of Palestine arranged a meeting with
representatives of Jewish and Arab agriculturists to lecture them on
what was called "the Government role in advancing agriculture in
Palestine". In this meeting the High Commissioner provided an
empirical example of how the government intended to allocate a_ grant
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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