Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 231)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 231)
to "all Palestinian agriculturists".
Of the grant, estimated at 20 thousand Palestinian Lira, ten
thousand in cash were handed to “Jewish representatives” as follows:
P.L. 4,500 to Mikve Yisrael; P.L.2,000 to trade schools in Jerusalem;
P.L.1,500 to schools for handicraft in Jerusalem; P.L.1,250 to the
agricultural school in Ben Shemen settlement and P.L.750 to the
professional school of the Jewish Federation of Labour.
The “Arab representatives", who did not receive a penny, were told
that the government would provide villages with barley and wheat.
In both cases, imported North African wheat and barley were
purchased. Wheat was bought for 15,500 mils per ton while barley was
bought for 10,000 mils per ton. During the same period, however, local
wheat and barely were disposed of at an average of 6,000 mils per ton
for wheat and 3,000 mils per ton for barley. In other words, had the
fallaheen been given the money in cash, they could have obtained more
than double the amount of wheat and more than three times the amount
of barley offered by the government. (18)
As a measure to further subsidize and expand Jewish agriculture,
the government extended its exemption laws to include the imports of
all machinery free of duty. Capital and the colonial state worked
together in developing Jewish settlements and revolutionizing their
forces of production.
An impressive achievement of the alliance of capital and legal
facilities was demonstrated in the rapid development of mechanization.
For example, in 1922 all Jewish settlements combined had only 33
tractors and no combines. Yet, by the end of the 1920s, all cereal
production which characterized the co-operatives was dependent upon
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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