Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 232)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 232)
tractors and combines. In 1939, a Jewish Agency survey showed that
there were over 237 ‘tractors and 80 combines in use in the
settlements (Gozansky,1986:146).
Equally impressive was the introduction of irrigation schemes
during this period. In 1922 an estimated 2,867 dunems were under
lyrigation, but by 1930 this land expanded to 21,348 dunams, an
increase of more than 1,000 per cent, 58,162d. in 1941 and reaching
79,850d. by 1944. (19)
Capital and technological change in agriculture caused a dramatic
change in the nature of production. Specialization and large-scale
production based on intensive methods were at the core of this
Agricultural Specialization
Specialization in agriculture, which means producing commodities
for exchange value, is considered by Marxists as a significant step in
transforming agriculture into industry. The concept of agricultural
industry must be differentiated from industrial production proper.
This difference was described by Lenin as follows:
From the very nature of agriculture its
conversion into commodity production occurs in a
particular manner, unlike the corresponding process
in industry. Manufacturing industry splits into
separate, completely independent branches, each
devoted exclusively to the manufacture of one
product or part of a product. Agriculture on the
other hand does not split into completely separate
branches, but merely specializes in producing, in
one instance, one market product, in another,
another market product, the other agricultural
aspects being adapted to this principal (i.e.,
market) product. (Lenin, 1977: 267)
Industry in this sense can be attributed to all Jewish settlements,
both the private and the co-operatives. While the private settlements
were predominantly specialized in producing citrus and grapes, the co-
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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