Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 233)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 233)
operative farms were quickly becoming industrialized as weil.
Vegetables, fruits, and dairy products were increasingly the
predominant agricultural products in these settlements.
Dairy and poultry production in the co-operatives was particularly
significant. From 1922-1936 the number of cows raised annually rose
from 750 to 8,040. In 1944 and due to improved fodder and the
introduction of new breeding techniques, the number of cows’ reached
16,040. An equally impressive growth was also recorded with regard to
poultry; from 6,800 heads of poultry in 1922 to 175,500 in 1936 and
to 302,400 in 1944. (20)
Large-Scale Production and Intensive Agriculture
The application of capital and machinery in agriculture speeded up
the process of industrialized agriculture resulting in a gradual but
sweeping takeover of extensive small-scale production by production
on large-scale.(21)
What characterises large-scale production is not the size of the
land put under a certain crop, but, rather the form of use of that
particular crop.
One must differentiate here between large-scale production and
specialized agriculture. For, although in both cases crops are
produced for the market,the two phenomena are not the Same.
Agricultural specialization, for example can be found in pre-
capitalist forms of production. In contrast, large-scale production is
specific to the capitalist mode of production.
In small-scale production, usually characteristic of peasant
economies, crops are produced primarily as use-values to be consumed
by the direct producers. Within the Palestinian context for example,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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