Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 236)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 236)
Kautsky 1976; Lenin, 1977)
The general trend in Palestinian agriculture since the mid 1930s
was of a constant and intensive decline in pre-capitalist forms of
agricultural production which were being replaced by capitalist forms
of production.
As the following table shows cereal production was
gradually but intensively undergoing a process of decline in terms of
tonnage and value, while the production and value of cash crops was
Table, 3: Production in Tons and Value in P.L. For Cereal, Vegetables
and Fruits.
Year Cereal Vegetables Fruits
Product Value Product Value Product Value
(Tons) (P.L.) (Tons ) (P.L.) (Tons ) (P.L.)
1935 248,408 1,597,100 67,847 365,735 162,984 1,021,244
1936 181,700 1,173,526 70,321 400,384 186,498 1,063,192
1937 298,200 2,229,875 120,395 480,733 230,034 1,197,369
1938 202,973 1,284,481 109,088 575,048 248,573 1,213,020
1939 241,642 1,520,316 129,373 669,037 183,006 1,205,171
1940 337,411 2,800,047 198,273 1,244,477 204,183 1,711,988
1943 185,910 4,859,527 244,446 7,158,747 280,068 4,698,479
1944 162,690 4,373,451 271,329 7,525,897 201,560 6,144,571
Source: Statistical Abstract of Palestine , 1935-1944 and 1945
in Ameri, tatawwor..... Palestine, 1900-1970, (Beirut, 1974, p.34)
In 1935, out of a total area of 7,533,386d. under all crops (Table
3} cereal cultivation occupied 6,535,031d. or 87 per cent of the area
but produced a value of P.L.1,597,100 or 53 percent of the total value
produced by the three crops. On the other hand, both vegetables and
fruits which occupied just 998,355d. or 13 per cent of the total land
yielded produce in the value of P.L.1,386,979 making 47 per cent of
the total value. The trend continued throughout the 1930s and 1940s:
Cereal cultivation occupying vast areas, yet producing much less
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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