Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 239)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 239)
the Moshava, were also masked.
Various authors argue that the Zionist control
NMationalized or even socialized all relations of prod
claim is not only made with regard to the co-operative fo
refers to the private settlements of the Rothschilds.
that with the development of the Zionist movement,
between the capitalists and the Zionist socialists was r
the triumph of "socialist Zionism" over capitalism. As
gesture on the part of Rothschild, it is maintained, his
totally transferred to the Palestine Jewish Colonization
(P.I.C.A) and consequently fell under the control of
A closer examination of this "transfer", however
different situation. Data suggest that control over the
settlements passed only temporarily to P.I.C.A. This wa
four year period of 1920-24, after which the Baron
Palestine and assumed full control over his property.
More importantly, the conflict between the Roth
representatives from the the Jewish Agency was not one
adherents of capitalism and the adherents of socialism.
between capitalists and anti-capitalists, as some aut
(Kimmerling,1983; Ohana,1981; Eisenstadt,1985). On the co
between two sections within the Jewish bourgeosie; on the
Jewish Agency represented by big investors like Etinger,
Usishkin who themselves occupied high political posts
Agency, (23) and on the other, the Baron who owned
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
of Palestine
uction. This
rms, but also
It is argued
the conflict
esolved with
a good will
property was
the Jewish
, reveals a
s during the
returned to
schilds and
between the
rt was not
hors suggest
ntrary,it was
one hand the
Goldberg and
within the
most of the
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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