Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 240)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 240)
The conflict in fact had little to do with the private or
capitalist nature of these settlements, as both conflicting sides were
capitalists. The nature of the conflict was political instead. It was
around control over the source of hired labour. The essence of the
conflict basically revolved around the question of which labourers
should be hired in these settlements: indigenous Palestinian or
European Jewish workers.
Officially the conflict was resolved in 1924 by expelling 6,500
Arab workers and replacing them with Jewish workers. Yet, tensions
between private farmers employing Arab labourers and the Zionist
authority remained largely unsettled. In the next chapter on labour,
it will be shown that private farmers continued to employ Arab wage
workers and the Zionist authorities continued to harrass both farmers
and employees.
This case highlights the basic conflict within the Zionist coloniai
movement. The Jewish Agency which in this instance resorted to force
in kicking out indigenous hired labourers from the Rothschild's
plantations had in fact submerged the economic interests not only of
the Rothschilds but also of its own members in favour of gaining long
term political hegemony in Palestine.
Throughout British rule, the Moshavot continued to be the most
important economic enterprises. In 1944, and despite their smali
number -estimated at 44 out of a total of 258 settlements- the
Moshavot were economically the most advanced type of agricultural
Tne Moshavot occupied an area of about 582,300d. or 34 per cent of
all Jewish land under settlement, including the most fertile land in
Palestine. Most of the Moshavot were concentrated in the plains,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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