Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 244)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 244)
fertile soil for capitalist development."There is no contradiction,"
he argues, “between state property and agricultural capitalism"
(Saleh,1979:29) Thus what is important here is not the form of land
holding but rather the mode in which land is exploited and the purpose
for which crops are produced.
Production in the Moshavs and the Kibbutzim was not organized on
the principle of self sufficiency of their members. Members did not
produce use value but rather commodities, the exchange value of which
was realized by the members only after it circulated in the market.
At the empirical level however, one must also consider the question
of who owns and/or controls the means of production in these
settlements. Land in the co-operatives it should be stressed, was to a
large extent owned privately by the Jewish Agency or its settlements,
institutions. What was absent was not private ownership but rather
individual ownership by members of the co-operatives.
Moreover, the means of production, that is other than land, in
these settlements weze not as most authors believe, owned and
controlled by their members. In fact the Keren Kayemet, (Jewish
National Fund), an arm of the Jewish Agency was the sole owner of land
capital and technology in the co-operatives. The Keren Kayemet
advanced capital in the form of land and other means of production
and expected payments in return. Recipients of capital advancements
made by the Keren Kayemet particularly within the Kibbutzim had _ to
meet certain economic and, even more importantly, political
The Keren Kayemet was by no means a public or socialist body at
odds with private property. The Keren Kayemet was partly funded by
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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