Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 245)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 245)
orivace companies, such as the Jewish Colcnial Trust and the Anglo-
Palestine Company which were establisned at tne turn of the century.
In addition it was involved in a prolenged international campaign £or
collecting money from various Jewish individuals and organizations.
Similar to other international companies operating in Palestine,
the Keren Kayemet was heavily involved in colonial activities. These
included buying and seiling land, tree planting ana settlement
preparation. What distinguished the Keren Kayemet from other
companies, however, was the fact that, while colonialism for the
other companies was primarily for economic gain, for the Keren Kayemeat
the goal of colonialism was above all political in nature (Doukhan-
Landau,1980: 200; Gozansky,1986:57).
There is a partial truth in the claim that land under the control
of the Jewish Agency or any of its arms was withdrawn from the market
(Kimmerling,1983:34). But it is also true that this withdrawal was one
sided. The land which under the policy of the Keren Keyemet became the
inalienable property of the Jewish people was in fact alienated from
the indigenous owners/possessors. Indigenous Palestinians were
excluded from claiming back, buying or even working on this land.
The withdrawal of the land from the market, in fact, did not affect
the fact that land under the control of the Jewish Agency continued to
be dealt with as a commodity and a means to promote capitalism. This
was established by Dr. Rupin, the Head cf the Jewish Agency who in his
report on the Land Development Company stated:
With regard to the important question of
attracting capitai to the "land of Israel" I submit
the following: During the first five years of our
work it became clear that in order to attract his
capitalists to invest in land, we had to be able to
convince them that their capital would have a4
reasonable return. We, for that matter, were abie
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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