Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 246)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 246)
to do so, since we showed all those whe invested in
industry how smooth it is to do so when they buy
land from us....During the past 5 years, around one
million Francs were invested in our company .The
Land Develcpment Company sold to individual
investors, lan of the value of one anda half
million Francs and the Urban Branch of our company
has sold land of the value of one million Francs.
(cited in Gozansky,1986:58)
In other words, the owner/controller of the land within the co-
operatives, while not the individual member, was nonetheless a
political agency whose aims were not entirely antagonistic to private
ownershivo and capitalist principles. This agency was an integral part
of the larger European Jewish economy in Palestine.
Wage Labour and the Co-operatives
The second dubious assumption made by many previous analyses of the
kibbutz movement concerns the supposed absence of hired labour in the
co-operatives. They argue that the ideals of "Jewish Labour" and
“Jewish Land" were the guarantcrs for the socialization of labour’ and
the absence of relations of exploitation (Eisenstadt,1974;
However, aS with the claims fcr the aosence of private land
ownership, a closer leox at the evidence fails to support this
position. The principles of "Kibbush ha-Adama", (occupation sof land)
and “Kibbush ha-Avoda" (occupaticn of lanour), or what was otherwise
known aS "Adamah Ivrit" (Jewish land) and "Avodah Ivrit" (Jewish
labour} were, indeed, advanced by the Zicnist leadership to prcmote
the co-operative forms of agricultural colonizaticn. Yet, the
materialization of these principles did not result in sociaiism. On
the contrary, these policies were aimed primarily at creating a
nationalistic exciusivist economy for the Jewish community in
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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