Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 248)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 248)
The Keren Kayemet, in fact, went so far as to impose a penalty on
any Jewish owner attempting to employ an Arab worker. Article 23 of
the lease stipulates:
The lessee undertakes to execute ail works
connected with the cultivation of the holding only
with Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this
duty by the employment of non-Jewish labour shall
render the lessee liable to the payment of a
compensation of ten Palestinian pounds for each
default..... Where the lessee has contravened the
provisions of this Article three times ,the Fund may
apply the right of restitution of the holding,
without paying any compensation whatever. (28)
It is important to point out here that the Zionist exclusivist
policies were formally supported by the British government. The debate
which ensued in the House of Lords around these pclicies resolved the
The acquirement of large tracts of land in
Palestine on inalienable trusts by Jewish bodies
Should be allowed; and 2) conditions should be
allowed to be inserted in leases or tenancy
agreements from such bodies preventing any but
Jewish labour on lands comprised in such leases or
tenancy agreements. (29)
Data above suggest that, neither the Moshavs or the Kibbutzim were
prohibited, in principle, from exploiting hired labour. What they
were forbidden to do is hire non-Jewish or Arab labour.
The dispelling of these two major misconceptions is fundamental for
understanding the true nature of these settlements. There were
inherent contradictions within the structure of the Jewish co-
operatives. While these contradictions surfaced early on in the’ case
of the Moshav, for reasons to be discussed later, tney took longer tc
emerge within tne Kibbutz enterprise.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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