Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 251)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 251)
here that the use of hired iabour was aiso a part of the structure of
the Kibbutz, yet its popularity was never harmed. The real reasons
behind the popularity of the Kibbutz, it will be demonstrated, was not
its socialist traits, nor the lack of exploitation. It was the qeo-
political and military services which the Kibbutz and not the Moshav
was able to provide to the Zionist coloniai project which in fact
accounted for its importance.
To begin with, two widely heid misconceptions about the Kibbutz
experience must be discussed. The first is the claim that this
experience was uniquely Jewish or Zionist and the second is the belief
that its success was due to the strong belief in socialism brought by
the Zionist settlers.
1)The "Uniqueness" of the Kibbutz
Most authors see the Kibbutz as a unique Zionist or Jewish
phenomenon. In “Organizational Behaviour and Community Development"
William Foot White writes:
The Kibbutz is a unique experience which provides
democratic governance and egalitarian management".
(preface in Rosen, et. al., 1983)
Tabenkin who was considered ‘one of the founding fathers of modern
Israel and among the pillars of socialist Zionism' described the
Kibbutz as "the apex of human experience, the only commune in the
world which has not been founded by the social democracies nor by
Bolshevism.” (Tabenkin, 1985: 44)
There is some truth in maintaining that the Kibbutz was different
from the collective experience in the Soviet economy. Since, at least
in theory, the Soviet economy was sociaiist while the European Jewish
one was pre-deminantly capitalist.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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