Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 254)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 254)
a marked failure. In this case, a Kvotza (group) of five rented a
piece of land from the Keren Kayemet and received some capital
advancement but, because of the excessive payments which the Kvyotza
was required to return to the Keren Kayemet, the plan was halted. Both
the Kvotza and other potential settlers interested in such an
enterprise were further discouraged (Gozansky, 1986:73).
The idea of the Kibbutz was revitalized only after British
colonialism, largely due to the increasing economic and political
power of the Zionist movement in Palestine.
2)The Kibbutz: "The Fulfillment of the Ideals”
As alluded to earlier, literature has presented the Kibbutz as "the
fulfillment of the Jewish dream" cr "the materialization of the
Zionist ideals" (Tabenkin, 1985; Oxrchan,1977; Rosen et. al., 1983;
It is assume@d that the Kibbutz is the product of an “idea", a
"dream" or asset of ideals put forward by the Zionist movement in
Palestine. The Kibbutz in other words is perceived as a package of
ready made concepts produced in Europe and imported to Palestine by
the Zionist authorities.
This body of literature does not provide an objective scientific
approach to the Kibbutz. Instead, it romanticizes the Kibbutz and
discuss it as a separate and independent sociai phenomenon.
Extensive material has been published on the socialization of
children in the Kibbutz. In Children of the Kibbutz, Spiro depicts the
Kibbutz’ children or what he calls "the generation of the desert" as
the "cultural heroes" of the Jewish people (Spiro,1972). They are
described as the “torch-bearers and liberators of the Jewish people"
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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