Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 256)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 256)
1930s were never eble to stand on their own without heavy dependence
on external sources for funding.
As was mentioned earlier, most fertile land appropriated by
Huropean Jewish settlers was aiready occupied by the private
settlements leaving only less fertile land for later settlement. Low
fertility within the Kibbutzim, as further discussion reveals, was
also enhanced by the fact that most Kibbutzim were established for
other than socio-economic reasons.
In addition, the capital needed for irrigation, mechanization and
other equipment was not always available. Kibbutzim during the 1920s
were reportedly underequipped and serious complaints and
dissatisfaction was widespread among their members.
Even earlier Kibbutzim which were erected on Palestine's most
fertile land, the Marj, were suffering from serious problems.
Commenting on this situation one Jewish agricultural expert said:
No expenditures for planting new colonies should
be made unless the development of existing colonies
has been completed, or the money for their full
development has been provided. The amount required
for this will absorb the probable normal income of
the Colonization Department for several years to
come. Delay in providing settlers with needed
equipment and improvements is now causing losses
and disappointments. It is lowering the efficiency
of the settlers, it is the cause of large deficits.
In the late 1920s and early 1930s the whole Kibbutz movement
appeared to be in danger cf collapsing. For a period of three years,
1923- 1931, only three Kibbutzim were established. (33) Economic
difficulties were not the sole, or even the most important, factor in
the slow growth of the Kibbutzim. Internal political factors were
equally crucial.
The Palestinian peasant uprising of 1929 and the consequent
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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