Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 257)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 257)
ee a
pressure on the government to restrict immigration and land transfer
fo the European Jewish community had a great impact on the settler
movement. The uprising gave a strong message not only to the Zionist
authorities in Palestine but also to potenial investors. Jewish
capitalists, as a result, preferred to privately and directiy invest
their money rather than putting it in an unpredictable ‘public’
enterprise. This is illustrated by the failure of the urgent appeal
for funding made by the Keren Kayemet to the Worid Zionist
Organization in its 16th Zionist Congress. (34)
The situation after the second half of the 1930s was radically
different. Partly due to the influx of capital and settlers prompted
by the Nazi atrocities, and partly due to the strengthening of the
political position of the Zionist movement world-wide, the Kibbutz
movement experienced a real upsurge. Between 1932 and 1936, 18
Kibbutzim were established, i.e., an average of 3.6 Kibbutz per year.
An even sharper rise occured between 1937 and 1939, when 28 Kibbutzim
were established, raising the average to 9.3 Kibbutz per year. (35)
The sharp rise between 1937 and i939 was in fact a direct reaction
to the serious threat posed by the Palestinian revolution of 1936-39.
The pressure placed on the government, by the revolution, forced it to
issue a "White Paper", changing its immigration and land transfer
policies . (36)
For the Zionist authorities, the change in the government policy
together with the rebellion which was in its second year meant that
they were under tremendous pressure. What was at stake was not only
the preservation of the existing settlements but the realization of
their dreams for a Jewish state. This meant that they had to create
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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