Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 261)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 261)
The importance of the Kibbutz as a colonial venture outstripped all
economic and social considerations. Tabenkin summed up this point
plainly when he stated:
Our minds and thoughts are constantly devoted to
the need for security..It was not chance which
dictated the Ilccation of our settlements at the
expense of economic viability, we chose those sites
with mostiy their security in mind (Tabenkin,
The creation of Kibbutzim, regardless of whether or not they were
properly equipped or populated, was phenomenal during the Thirties.
The underequipment cf the existing Kibbutzim did not deter the
World Zionist Organization and its Palestinian branch from adopting
the foliowing resolution:
The most important task of the Jewish National
Fund [Keren Kayemet] in the immediate future is
the creation of land reserves in all parts of the
country: in particular the Congress is of opinion
that it is necessary to create as soon as possibie
@ land reserve of irrigable lands in accordance
with a definite plan for colonization policy....
Tne colonization of Palestine is to be the basic
policy of the Jewisn Agency for all time to do
everything to assure development and extension of
Jewish agriculture accordance
with the principles laid down by the Congress for
cooperation with the Jewish Agency on as large a
scale as possible. (41)
The colonial settler nature cof the Kibbutz was expressed in terms
of its geo-political and strategic role as well as in terms of its
military functions. Most Kibbutzim, especially after the 1930s were
built on hills and on the borders of Palestine. Both Chaim Weismann
and Ben Gurion who represented the Jewish Agency, recommended the
"stocking" of Kibbutzim on the borders of Palestine.
According tc Ben Gurion:
-.1lf there are between four to five Jewish
settlements on the frontier this will reinforce our
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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