Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 263)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 263)
Have often held leadership positions in Israeii
parties and have represented them in the
government, the Kenesset and in Histadrut
institutions (Rosen, et al, 1983:7).
Finally, the Kibbutzim functioned zs military bases for the
settler community. The militarization of the Kibbutz was as old as the
Kibbutz itself. Together with the Kibbutz, the phenomenon of "Hashomer
Ha-Tzair™” (The young Guards) emerged.
The emergence of this phenomenon in the form of bands of armed
settlers was justified as a need to "protect" the settlements from
their "hostile" or “baxrbaric" surroundings.
Yet, documents show that the Palestinian peasants were the ones
who needed protection from the armed settlers placed on their
expropriated lands. Reperts on attacks made by armed settlers who were
sent to "protect" land, the ownership on which was often unsettled,
were very frequent during British colonialism. (42)
By late 1930s, "Ha-Hashomer" movement which was entrenched
throughout Palestine was transformed into the cfficial militant force
of the Zionist movement, giving rise to the two underground semi-
secret militant organizations, the "“Haganah" and the "Palmach",. while
the Kibbutzim served as “hases and reserves" for their operaticns
{Rosen et. al, 1983:1)
In the late 1930s and early 1940s, the "Haganah" as Rayman stated,
began to see itself as the military basis of "the state on the way".
(Rayman, 1981:38} It was involved in attacks not only against the
indigenous population but extended its aggression also against the
British government which had encouraged its rise in the first
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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