Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 264)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 264)
To sum up, European Jewish co-operatives including the Kibbutzim
were not unique or separate forms of production. The land occupied by
the Keren Kayemet was not withdrawn fron the market in the economic
sense. Expropriated from its previous cultivators, this land was
transferred to an exclusive Jewish market where it could still be used
as a source of profit. What had been withdrawn or, more properly,
excluded from this market, instead, were the indigenous Palestinians
Production on these co-operatives, it has been shown, did not
differ from that on the private settlements. Capital, technology and
the consequent large-scale industrial productio1 was characteristic of
all European Jewish agriculture.
Finally, except for the degree and extent to which hired labour was
used,-and in the case of the Kibbutzim, the race or nationaiity of the
labourers-, ali agricultural settlements exploited labour power and
used it as a basis for expanding the economy.
The findings cf this chapter strongly refute the Zionist claim that
the Palestinians failed to "succecd" as the Enropean Jewish settlers
did because of their “traditional" and "backward" culture. The
history of agricultural development in Palestine, has proved without
any doubt that the threat to the indigenous agriculturists was
anything but "natural" or “cultural”. (44) The threat, instead was a
direct result of the British and Zionist colonial powers controlling
the Palestinian economy during this period.
t every stage in its development, capitalism emerged and expanded
at the expense and by the exploitation of the indigencus rural
economy. All components of the rural structure, i.e., land, natural
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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