Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 266)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 266)
Chapter Five
1) M. Bernestein, “Jewish Colonization in Palestine", International
Labour Review, 1934, Vol XXX, No. 5, p. 632.
2) Between 1932 and 1937, P.L. 39,517,900 of capital generated in
Europe was invested in agriculture. Of this amount, P.L. 7,600,0G0 or
19 per cent were invested in citrus only. See, Gozansky, Hitpathut ha-
kapitalism... in op.cit, p. 104.
3) Caiculated from Statistical Abstract of Palestine,1937-8, Table,
31 p. 28. According tc Gozansky, between 1930-42, 26 thousand Jews
immigrated to Palestine bringing with them a total of P.L. 26 mili' a,
an average of over P.L. one thousand each. Gozansky Hitpathut.. in
op.cit, p. 198.
4) Compiled from Statistical Abstract of Palestine, 1939, p. 39.
9) Ra'tif Khouri, “al- Qadiyya al-Falastiniyya" in at-Tariq, Beirut,
March 31, 1946, cited in Maxime Rodinson Israel, A Colonial Settler
State? (Monard Press, New York, 1976).
6) “Falastin", Angust, 29, 1930 in CO 733/192/2.
7) Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapter IX p. 376.
8) "Simpson's Report", in op cit, p. 75.
9} Mikvey Yisrael was established in the late 19th century by the
Jewish Colonial Trust. For an indepth analysis of late 19th century
Zionist colonial enterprise in Palestine, see Tuma, E. Dirasat fi al-
Suhyouniah al-mua'asirah [Studies in Modern Zionism] (Acre, 1982).
10) "Simpson's Report", op.cit,p. 80.
11} For more on the role of the Technion in developing agriculture,
see abu-Rjeyli, al-ziraa'a al-yahoudieh £1 falastin al-muhtalla
{Jewish Agriculture in Cccupied Palestine], (Palestine Reseach Centre;
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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