Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 269)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 269)
small-scale by large-scale production,Lenin states:
[T]he fundamental and principal trend of
capitalism in the displacement of small-scale bu
large-scale production, both in industry and in
agriculture. But this displacement should not be
interpreted merelyas immediate expropriation.
Displacement also implies the ruin of the small
farmers and a worsening condition on their farms, a
process that may go on for years and decades. This
deterioration assumes a variety of forms, such as
the small farmer's overwork or malnutrition, his
heavy debt, worse feed and poorer care of livestock
in general, poorer husbandry- cultivation,
fertilization and the like- as well as technical
stagnation on the farm , etc.
Lenin, Collected Works, (Progress Publishers, 1977) Vo. 22 p. 78.
22; Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapt. IX, p. 382
23} Etinger, Usishkin and Goldberg were the owners and directors of a
Jewish colonial company called "Giolan" (meaning Savior). Etinger's
share of the founding capital in this company was estimated at 100,900
Rubils. These big financiers have also invested in the Jewish Colonial
Trust as well as the Anglo-Palestine Company which became the central
Bank for ccelonization activities. See Doukhan-Landau, The Zionist
Companies for Land Purchase in Palestine, (Jerusalem,1979), pp. 197-
! 200.
Usishkin, it must aliso be added was the Head of the Keren Kayemet.
See Rayman, The Kibbutz Community and Nation Building (Princeton
University Press, 1981) p. 33.
24) Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, p. 373.
25) In his 1987 edition of The Tyranny of Work, Rinehart changed his
position on the Kibbutz. The Kibbutz as an example of ‘workers control
of the means of preduction' was dropped from his section on "Solutions
to alienated Labour'. See Rinehart, The Tyranny of Work (Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, Canada, 1987). new edition.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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