Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 270)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 270)
2€) “Simpson's Report", in op cit, p. 53.
27) Ibid.,
28} See FO 731/14500/ 1930 E- €575.
29) See a letter by the High Commissioner, Chancellor,to the Colonial
Officer, Shuckburgh, in CO 733/182/2, File,no. 700/30.
Imprisonment and heavy fines used to punish Jewish farmers for
leasing land to Arabs has become a systematic policy for the Jewish
state. Israel's plan for the Judaization of the whole of Palestine was
unveiled in 1976 after the Day of the Land. The leaking out of what
was considered top secret document ir the Israeli Cabinet, the "Koenig
Memorandum" reveals the most blatant racist policy of the Israeli
state. see "The Koenig report: Demographic Racism in Israel" in Merip
Reports: Middle Fast Research and Information Project, 1979.No. 51. A
complete English version can be found in Foreign Broadcast Information
service, September, i4, i976.
30} Computed from Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapt. IX, pp. 372-
31) Ibid., p. 373.
32} Cited in "Simpson's Report",pp. 43-44. The Keren Kayemet policy of
land purchase and lease was deemed objectionable by various Zionist
leaders. In a decypher by one Zionist leader, Harvey, dated,
September, 12, 1930 a similar concern was voiced:
Area cultivabie proves to be 4 million dunams
less than was expected. Cenditions on which Jewish
National Fund purchases and leases land
are...{blank]..and more land should not be allowed
to pass to that Fund until conditions radically
altered. Jews possess large reserves of land not
vet settied sufficient to enable settlement to
continue for a number of years.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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