Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 271)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 271)
see FO 371/ E 4546.
33) See Abdel-Wahab Kayyali,*"ai-Kibbutz" aw al-mazari' -l-jamai'yah
£i israeel [The "Kibbutz" or the collective farms in
TIsrael],(Palestine Research Centre, Beirut: 1966) pp. 121-150.
34} See a letter by the High Commissioner, Chancellor,to the Colonial
Eficer, Shuckburgh, File no. 700/30 in CO 733/182/2.
35) Calculated from Kayyali,al-Kibbutz... in op.cit, pp. 121-139.
36) On the White Paper of 1937 and the consequent changes in some of
the government policies, see K. Stein, The Land Question of Palestine,
op cit., pp. 59-71.
37) See, Kalkas, 3B. "A Chronicle of Events",in Abu-Lughud, E. (ed.)
The Transformation of Palestine, (Evanston, 1971) pp. 237-270. See
also my unpublished manuscript, "Colonialism and National] Liberation
Movements: The Palestinian Struggle, 1920-40".
38) in FO 371/206820/E 6749.
39) By 1959, 20 per cent of the tot-’ income in all the Kibbutzim
came from industry, see Kayyali," al-Kibbutz"... op.cit., p. 56.
40) Differentiating between the Jewish settlers who immigrated to
Palestine out of religous and cultural convictions, that is those “who
had come... to keep their ancient laws, the Torah", and the 20th
century Zionist settlement, Tabenkin noted:
They fearly settlers} studied law from scroils
and letters, we rewrite ours on the landscape, on
the hills and the valleys, reieasing the ancient
land from its arid desolation.
Tabenkin, The Kibbutz: a Non-Utopian Commune (Yad Tabenkin, Israel,
1985) p. 91. See also, Flapan, The Birth of Israei: Myths and
Realities (Pantheon Books, New York, 1337).
41) CO 733/162/2, File, no. 700/30.
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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