Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 272)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 272)
42) For more on settlers' attacks on the Arab villagers of Zubeidat,
see, FO 371/18957, E 1311. Also, “Periodical Appreciation Summary"
13/35 in FO 371/18957/ C.I.D.
43) The "“Haganah” was not a secret military force, nor the
representative of an anti imperialist settler community, as some
authors claim (Emmanuel, i972). In fact, many members of the "Haganah"
have received their initial training as British army and police
service men. Moreover, various "court cases" gathered from the British
Archives strongly suggest that the government was aware of many cases
of arms smuggling conducted by the "Haganah". Equally important is the
revelation made by various reports to the effect that the government
itself was active in militarizing the “Haganah" by placing arms in
various settlements. See acC.I.D. report, dated, Dec. 1934, in FO
371/18975/ E 1325.
During the Palestinian revolution of 1936-39, the Haganah played an
important role together with the British army and police in
suppressing the anti-imperialist indigenous revolution.
Only in tha latter part of the 1930s and early 1940s, when it began
to see itself as "the foundation for an effective defense ...for a
sovereign people...and moved toward the institutionalizaticn of a
shadow nation-state" that this force pegan to assume certain degrees
of independence from the British colonial pDower.(Rayman, 1981: 37-38)
During this period the “Haganah" began to direct its attacks against
both the indigenous Palestinians and the British government. It defied
British policies stated in its "White Paper" of 1937, partly by
bringing illegal immigrants to Palestine and partiy by "“stecking”
illegal settlement (Criden and Glebb,1974:233; Tabenkin,198@5:62).
Despite all this, however, it must be pcinted out that during the
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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