Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 274)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 274)
Chapter Six
The Subjugation of Labour to capital
In spite of all the forces which hindered the full integration of
the Palestinian working class into the European ewish capitalist
economy, this chapter will demonstrate that the exploitation of this
class was the mest crucial facter in the reproduction and further
expansion of the capitalist mode of production.
Indigenous Palestinian workers wer¢ absorbed and exploited by both
the state and European Jewish capitalist Sectors of the economy. This
exploitation took place at various levels. These workers were
exploited as a class, on racial (or natiOna? grounds) and, in the case
of women, on the basis of sex.
A special role in the exploitation precess was played by the
General Federation of Jewish Labour, the Histadrut. The Histadrut's
exclusivist policy 9f Jewish labour which was aimed at excluding the
indigenous Palestinian workers from the European capitalist economy
did not prevent their exploitation as V@rious writers claim (Flapan,
1979; Kimmerling,1983). On the contrary, these policies enhanced
further the subordination of the indigenous workers to the dominant
European Jewish economy.
The Palestinian working class, it will further be demonstrated, was
not marginal or passive. The forces Cf Oppression which accompanied
the capitalist development in Palestine triggered massive political
resistance among the workers.
In the literature to date, ther are two major theoretical
frameworks applied to the study of labour. The first maintains a
separation between the Jewish capitalist and the indigenous pre-
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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