Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 276)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 276)
settlement is as follows:
A group of pioneers, strongly committed to the
Zionist ideal arrived first to Palestine in late
19th century..They found the country wild and
unpopulated...They started from scratch to work the
land and prepare it for successive pioneers....More
pioneers follcwed and all began to dry swamps,
revive their culture..(Frenkel and Bichler,1984:14)
The view of Palestine as a barren land, was reiterated recently by
another Israeli writer. In his 1387 "The formation of Working Class
in Palestine", Ben-Porat suggests that the "Jewish pioneers", which
were composed of the ciass of independent farmers and workers, built
everything from scratch. ‘They imported their socialist ideologies and
organizaticnal skilis from Europe and created their own conditions of
labour, their own modes of production and their autonomy' (Ben-
Porat,1986:pp.446-456). Only once in this article does Ben-Porat
mention the indigenous population.
This framework, mexrcover, places particular emphasis on the policy
of "Jewish Labour", It is argued that the introduction of this policy
ensured the process of separation and contributed further to the
autonomous status of the Jewish economy. Jewish settlers, it is
maintained, did not want to be seen as colonizers exploiting other
nations. They therefore introduced the policy of "Jewish Labour" which
forced them to rely on their own national labour power
(Sussman,1974:68-70; Kimmerling,1983:51).
The contention that Palestine's economy wasS composed of two
separate sectors has been strongly criticised. Non-Marxist and Neo-
maxrxist scholars alike reject the notion that the capitalist economy

developed independently from the indigenous peasant economy
(Zureik,1979; Sussman, 1374; Flapan, 1979; Carmi and Rosenfeld, 1980).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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