Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 277)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 277)
While many authors accept the presence of a direct relationship
between the two economies,they do not all agree on the exact nature of
this relationship.
Some authors maintain that interdependence and interchangeability
characterised the relationship between the two sectors. Jewish
capital,it is claimed, was exchanged for Arab land, produce and labour
power (Flapan,1979; Kimmerling,1983). Authors in this perspective
reject the notion that the relationship between the Jewish capitalist
economy and the indigenous non-capitalist was one of exploitation. An
example is Flapan's dismissal of the argument that Jewish capital in
Palestine was colonial or exploitative in nature. ‘Unlike colonialism
in Algiers and other parts of the Middle East', Fle@pan argues,*the
Jewish presence in Palestine had improved the standard of living of
the indigenous Paiestinians' (Flapan,1979:pp.68-69).
Neo-Marxists, on the other hand, assert that the relationship
between the two economies was one of exploitation. Yet the full
proletarianization of the fallaheen, it is argued, was never realized
during British colonialism. The Arab labour force which was created in
the process was primarily a migrant force. This force only left the
village temporarily when wage employment outside was available. These
proletarians were able to maintain their status as peasant proletarian
throughout by drawing theix major income from the village and
supplementing it by selling their labour power is therefore
claimed that they were only partially exploited by capital (Carmi and
Rosenteld,i980; Zureik,1979).
Emphasis in this approach is placed on the reiationship between
the village and the employer. It is argued that the internal structure
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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