Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 279)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 279)
Ga de he
a eT ee
in the notions "village everpcopulation" and "underdevelopment" used to
describe the pre-capitalist economy (Arrighi,1973, Carmi and
Another major criticism launched against the articulation of modes
of production thesis is its failure to explain why capitalism
necessarily needs this unstable labour force (Burawoy,i976}. In his
The Development of Capitalism in Russia, Lenin pointed ont that the
great advantages provided by this semi~proletarian class to the
agricultural and industrial capitalist are only temporary. In the long
run, Lenin states, capital prefers the stable and totally free
orcletariat ovez this cless (Lenin,1977).
Tie application of the articulation of modes of production
framework to the Palestinian economy is particularly problematic
because of the historical specificity of Zionist colonization. As
pointed out im earlier chapters, the expropriation cf the Palestinian
peasauts from their land and, in some cases, their eviction from their
villages was a conditicn of the transfer of the land to the Zionists.
The emercence of a class of totally free proletarians was a necessary
feature of the expropriation process.
In ordéc to understand why the indigencus Patestin
an labour power
was cheap one must go beyond he mere economics of the
village/employer relaticnship. Economic considerations were not’ the
only factor in the exploitation of indigenous Palestinian workers. The
colonial state and the Zionist authorities played a crucial role in
the exploitation process.
Finally, characteristic of these frameworks is their failure to
identify the political character of the migrant class. By avoiding
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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