Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 282)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 282)
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the indigenous Palestinian population were totally dependent on wage
labour as the only source cof income. He estimated the Arab families
dependent on wage labour in the late 1920 at 21 thousand compared to 7
thousand Jewisn workers (Sussman, 1974:36-37).
Johnson-Crosbi's investigation, however, was only concerned with
the rurai proletariat, the landless agricultural wage labourers. These
Figures did not include the urban proletariat which were composed of
the industrial labeurers in construction, in the harbour and other
non-agricultural occupations. According to a 1931 survey, industrial
wage labourers were estimated at 5,318 Arab families compared to 5,6ii
Jewish families. An earlier survey conducted in 1928 put the total
number of wage labourers at 13,200 wage workers, of whicn 7,900 were
believed to be Jews and the rest Arabs (Sussman, 1974:37).
Contrary to the belief that most Palestinian workers were
agricultural migrant labourers, a survey conducted by Arab labour
organizations in 19330 concluded that non-agricultural wage labourers
were the main component of this labour force. The First Arab Labour
Congress held in 1930 estimated the total Palestinian labour force at
70,000, of which, 50,000 Arabs and 20,000 Jews. The Arab labour force
was distributed as foilows: 15,900 or 30 per cent employed in
agriculture; 15,000 or 30 per cent in construction and other public
works; 7,000 or 14 per cent worked in manuféecturing, such as tobacco,
soap..etc.,; 3,000 in railways; 2,060 in the harbour and 8,900 worked
as drivers, carriers, etc.,. (5) Furthermore, with the cevelopment of
the competitive market various sectors within the rural population
became proletarianizced.
Besides the direct agricultural producers proper, small family-
based industries which could not compste in the developing market were
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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