Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 283)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 283)
shut down and their labourers, and in many cases owners, were forced
to sell their labour power in the urban centres. A 1936 report showed
that out of 12 soap factories which were cperating in the city of
Jaffa in 1930 only four factories remained in operation by 1936. The
same report revealed that the overall value of exported soap between
1931 and 1935 dropped by about 260 per cent. (6) Other non agrarian
industries were also affected in the process, for example, the sea-
shell industry which in 1925 exported gooé@s valued at P.L. 70,000. In
1930 this industry exported goods to the value of P.L. 11,532, a
decline of about 650 per cent from 1925. By 1935, the value of
exported sea-shells preducts had plummeted to only P.L. 3,778. (7)
As the Palestinian rural economy became ruined, it cculd not absorb
the large force of redundant workers created by the process. Labourers
were forced to look for work in the more developed sectors of the
economy, such as private agriculture, industry or construction. Many
could not find work. But for those who did, conditions under which
they had to work, as the following analysis will show, were
Working Conditions within the Arab Labour Force
The thousands of indigenous labourers working in agriculture were
placed in extremely exploitative conditions. Employed on a daily
basis, they were relegated to the most menial and unskilled jobs. Thev
were recruited largely by the citrus greves as pickers, packers, tree
planters, or as general agricultural workers. They worked for an
average of 10-12 hours per day, while a working day of as long as 16
heurs was not infrequent among many agricultural workers. (3)
A survey conducted by the Jewish Farmers Association revealed that
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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